ACE 20th Anniversary Seal

Topic: Teaching Reading

The basic reading skills that we want to teach our students include skimming, scanning, using context clues, understanding main idea and understanding detail. Our reading courses demonstrate how to teach these basic skills to our students, but more importantly how to apply these skills to the wide variety of reading texts that we want our students to work with as they improve their English reading ability.

Using Phonics to Teach Reading and Spelling

Students often struggle to find the relationship between the sounds of English and how those sounds are represented through the English writing system. This is particularly true of students whose first language does not use a writing system based upon the Roman alphabet. Because of the complicated and convoluted path that English has taken throughout its development, our writing system does not directly correspond to our sound system. There are sounds that are represented several different ways, and letters that can represent several different sounds. Phonics is a system that helps make the relationship between the English writing system and sound system clearer for English language learners. It is useful for beginners who are learning to read and write in English and also for low intermediate students who need to improve their spelling.

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Using Literature and Graded Readers to Teach Reading

Literature is a rich source of language for English language students. The universal themes, emotions and messages of great fiction writing speak to students of all ages and backgrounds. In order to make literature accessible to all levels of English language learners, major and specialty publishers have created graded readers. Graded readers are adaptations of literary works and non-fiction works that preserve the plot, characters and settings of the stories but tell them with simplified grammar and vocabulary. In this session we take you through a variety of activities to use with literature, fiction and non-fiction graded readers in order to increase the amount of extensive reading that your students do both in class and outside of class.

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Teaching Critical Reading Skills

Higher level students, particularly those who are looking to move into higher education studies at an English-speaking university, need to learn to read critically. Reading critically means not just understanding the words in the text but also being able to ‘read between the lines’ for other layers of meaning presented by the author.

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